Friday, 24 April 2015

Wavelength ChaosNova: Quake-a-Thon hindsight highlights.

Qake-A-Thon - there are many gamer charity events for Child's Play, and this one is ours. 

The livestreams have wrapped up, and the gaming room crew are slowly returning to the land of the living from their well-deserved slumber. Here are some random echoes and highlights of the past five days, mostly borrowed from other channels.

- recap of my own notes: preparations, countdown, launch and spectating
- photos from Benefleet Tavern raffle. That night's contribution propelled the donate-o-meter over the halfway mark! 
- Quake Live crew encounter. After some connections snitched on us in QuakeCon forums, an  id software dev paid our livechat a visit. He donated a little power-up to the cause: pro-access tokens which allowed our crew to set up customized matches. Event Interactivity boost +20! (Also, this.)

My side of interactive. Straight from the woods!
- KnuxV1's event sum-up notice on Facebook.

At the time of posting this, the donations have reached £300 - the final mark of last year's event. Still some to go for this year's goal of 500. The event-related Child's Play donation widget will remain active for a little while longer.

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