Monday, 18 November 2019

Library Lunchbreaking (Vol 1)

I shall exploit the header space to boost the signal of our GM's Gofundme campaign:

When October kicked in, I started a new job at the city library. I immediately made a promise to myself: spend my lunch hour walking, and (memory permitting) grab the camera along.
When I finally did remember to bring the camera, the shots that I'd like to share greatly outnumbered the cut of normal "month's harvest" post. Hence, this.

This here is one of the first longer routes I took (now a staple): clear the corner, cross the road, get to the river bank at the first opportunity...

... then carry on upstream along the bank-path.

First landmark - near-completion campus building. I've developed a hypothesis that its looks have been designed with the reflections in mind (at least on a sunny day).

Next point of interest (and main motivator to remember the camera) - the bridge-underpass filled with street art.

A look back before I move out from under the bridge and farther upstream.

Some more detail shots of the other side's support beams.

Past the first bridge, moving towards the second.

The second bridge's underpass - also art-filled.

This is the farthest upstream town bridge. Although it's physically not very far from the centre, and there's plenty of townstuff extending along both banks, passing this point certainly feels like a transition; a level changer if you will.

Over my first weeks, I hadn't yet developed a good sense of timing for these routes, so this felt like a good point of return (now I dare to wander some more).

Heading back the way I came - for now. 

This was but the first "lunchtime let's-play". Stay tuned for more!

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