Thursday, 22 July 2021

So I have been playing ... (160). More Yantar, more expedition [LADC]

Last time I tackled a lot of Yantar, until my errands were interrupted by chimera infestation. 

This time I start off by tackling the chimera (and then some), then a bunch of zombified stalkers. 


I then try to tackle with the brain chamber vibes and find my readiness lacking. 

Because I need to sort my gear, get rid of non-essentials, and acquire more pew-pew-juice, I decide to travel to Bar to stock up. But before I can do that, I need to pass all the bandits at the train yard ... 

... and then some.  


Since I'm kinda in the area, I swing by Cordon, and pester Nimble in his sleep. I get confirmation that all the various upgraded bandit jackets that I've stashed at Cordon, are not the ones Nimble is looking for. (Spoiler: later down the game I accidentally find out that I've stashed it elsewhere. And forgotten about it.) 


With better-sorted gear and regained confidence, I return to Yantar and lead yet another iteration of the science expedition. (For science!) Here is a capture of the same expedition in an earlier build. (It continoues over several episodes.) 


After the scientists' bunker gets attacked by a bunch of psi-dogs, I go on a proper roam-about, finally resuming the brain-chamber mission. 

Next time - more Yantar, but we also make it to the great swamps. Meanwhile, my whole LADC playlist is over here.  

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