Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Library Lunchbreaking (Vol 3)

I shall exploit the header space to boost the signal of our GM's Gofundme campaign:

In a nutshell: new job brought lunch hours, lunch hours brought regular walks, I brought camera (occasionally), I post photos from those walks.

So, the first and second captures revolved around the river. But I'd also noticed plenty of art when taking my walk to the nearby hill. So the third collection takes us there.

Mostly I was interested in this building.

When you circle around the hill footpaths, sooner or later you'll find a platform with a view. I tried to get the bridge arches and the towers in one image conveying the distance and depth... Let's say, the mileage can vary on that. (But hey, for professional shots there are postcards and books and such.)

When trying to capture the vibrant shapes and colours of the downhill park, I kept remembering a former colleague's wise words: "the camera does not see the way your eyes see." Let's just say there was a lot more feel to the real thing.

On the detour back, I stopped to capture this pavilion thingie. (My earliest memories of this structure are from decades ago - from an early spring walk that our kindergarten teachers took us. I remember they claimed this was where Pippi Longstocking lived, and when it would be warm, so warm that we could leave our coats behind and go outdoors in only cardigans, she would come out. Back then there was no painting on it of course. I kept bugging my mum to pass that building whenever we were in the area, trying to catch Pippi who would inevitably have to come out of the building. But she never did.)

This is where my third lunch-hour capture concludes, Stay tuned for more!

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