Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Library Lunchbreaking (Vol 4)

I shall exploit the header space to boost the signal of our GM's Gofundme campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/blueberrycreekrecovery

In a nutshell: new job brought lunch hours, lunch hours brought regular walks, I brought camera (occasionally), I post photos from those walks.

I thought that the previous walk-chronicle was the last of October, but then found another folder (several views of the same walk had made it to the month's photo-harvest cut.)

We'd had this autumn's first snowfall that week, so I tried to capture all the leaves-golden autumnness with some of the snow spicing up the view. Technically it worked... I think?

The snow on the ground didn't make the most impressive sights of that walk, however. The scattered snow clouds combined with the already-too-low afternoon sun painted the air in this certain diffused golden hue that is easy to notice and difficult to capture.

With the sneaky across-the-river shot of the library complex done, I idled by the bridge, finishing my coffee, taking in the last of the sun. Then tired to get some artsy views of the clouds, the bridge, and the leaves (a brighter version made it to the photo harvest batch).

And thus concludes my first month at the library along with its lunch hour walks. But! I also captured a few in November. Stay tuned!

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