Saturday, 26 March 2016

Co-piloting Chaos Nova (18). Shadowrun in Spaaaace! (conclusion)

[The copy-paste intro]
Vaguely around Earth Occidental Standard Year 2014, the drift of interwebs lead my paths into collaboration course with Chaos Nova universe. Since then I have chimed in on the forum-based space opera RPG, and dispensed counsel (unsolicited and otherwise) about passive voice, semicolons, and everything in the process. When not lounging about in the "writers' room", I'm often joining in the crew gameplay sessions. This here is one of those.

The previous session ended with such a cliffhanger. In these last sessions of Chaos Nova Shadowrun Space Adventure, all will be revealed! (There's a mini-cliffhanger between the two sessions, too!)

Check Knux's channel for all our session recordings.

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