Thursday, 25 June 2020

Library Lunchbreaking (Vol 20 - garden edition)

In a nutshell: new job brought lunch hours, lunch hours brought regular walks, I brought camera (occasionally), I post photos from those walks.
And then came the pandemic and brought everything to a halt.
Mid-April I did some volunteer work in an infection hub, so for the first weeks of May I had to self-isolate my ass. Because I was providing materials for the library's reading-blog from home, some of this time already counts as work. Which means, this gardening session totally counts as lunch break!

This was the first proper warm period after the long non-winter and the hail&snow-imbued weeks that followed. So I crawled around, observing the blooms pop and the grass grow.

These super-early daffodils (early in relation to others that is) have been showing up by the compost heap for a few years now.

They're quite miniature, by the way. (Human hand for scale.)

The plum-thingies were about to bloom as well (a flashier image made it to the monthly-ish Photo Harvest).

I wasn't alone in the yard (in fact, the others did most of the gardening), but I kept to a good distance, just in case, sticking to the green domestic vistas, the occasional close-up-crawl, and the ever-so-romantic shots of laundry-lines between apple trees.

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