Monday, 6 July 2020

Library Lunchbreaking (Vol 21)

In a nutshell: new job brought lunch hours, lunch hours brought regular walks, I brought camera (occasionally), I post photos from those walks.

This is the first proper walk I recorded after the emergency situation kicked in. This is also the first proper walk I went to after the Library partially opened. (Those windy rains of April revisited us in mid-May; also, during the first feeble work week, I didn't think taking my coffee in the public space would be wise just yet.)

This was the first Proper Warm week after the enduring spring chill, and the nature was picking up fast. I took a classic right-bank route towards the upstream bridges.

This image basically screams: "OMG, real dandelions!" Also, the floodwater has retreated from the underpass.

After the bridges I slowed down to sip my coffee, and just basically drank in the full saturation of familiar places that felt so different in winter.

After the pause I continued on along the bank, and took the longer loop through the marshland park.

On my way back I caught a wild-ish apple tree about to burst in bloom - my very first apple blossoms this year.

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