Thursday, 13 May 2021

Library Lunchbreaking (Vol 27)

 In a nutshell: new job brought lunch hours, lunch hours brought regular walks, I brought camera (occasionally), I post photos from those walks.

My previous mini-walk record came from where April started; this one's from the middle. I specifically took this route to gain some sense of space for the behind-the-market area because a WIP scene takes place there. (Sorcery themed short story commission that should have been submitted yesterday.)  

I started on the left bank, like on a previous walk on the same path. The area I was aiming at is showing straight across the river. 

Some gloomy-dramatic shots along the way and onward to the bridge. (Gloomy dramatic shots from the middle.)

This is where the area of interest begins. In the story I'm placing a dead-drop point among some magical graffiti. The task for this walk was to pick a specific wall that I would use as the scenery basis. 

This section didn't quite have the right feel; moving on... 

That would be the back gate of the open-air marketplace - so we're proper in the "behind-the-market" territory now. Closer to what I had in mind, but not quite there yet.  

Looking back to where I took the first photo. In the story, I'm placing a fictional rent-a-waterbike dock somewhere here. 

Yup, this is the area. Now I just needed to pick a wall section. 

Mostly drawn to the duck. 

Still drawn to the duck. 

Checking farther just in case. Nope, this wall is already art-busy, but my idea was to add a bunch of fictional art atop the real one. Sticking with the duck. 

With the main mission accomplished, I could now spend some extra time on artsy concrete shots... 

... seagulls ignoring and observing the social distancing guidelines ... 

... and some gloomy dramatic underbridge shots on my way back. 


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