I shall exploit the header space to boost the signal of our GM's Gofundme campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/blueberrycreekrecovery
All that time I was busy writing, then writing some more, then yet some more, even attending a contest as co-author, and THEN writing some more, I cut out my playtime so that I wouldn't end up accidentally spending all my concentration-magic on shiny things. During the brief breathing time I did feel the need for some game-y brain-recharge, though. So instead of diving into the Zone, I decided to enter a smaller world and try to advance a few steps in Cradle.
Last time I'd wandered from the instructed path and found a way inside the dome complex thing. However, at the time the game had no means of directing me out of there (I'd wandered off out-of-sequence), so this time I picked up from an earlier point.
To my delight, I noticed that the plethora of information scraps in the yurt didn't feel nearly as overwhelming as before. I even managed to find more bits and papers i hadn't noticed before (there's that one corner of a label peeking from under the tea cupboard that still eludes me - when i see it I'm not close enough to interact and when i move closer, it gets obscured).
I finally managed to activate the robo-girl. Turns out a missing component was under my nose the whole time, I'd just bumped into it sideways. (Instructional poster to the rescue!)
With her awake, the path to the dome was now officially open. Back in. (I also found out why the theme of cubes was so prevalent inside the dome.)
Like so may other players, I can't say I'm enjoying those minigames much... although once I learned what the minigame actually wants you to do, I did pretty well. (The instructional design lobe in my brain insists, that if the player-instructions before the minigame were presented more clearly - like, if instead of saying "build platform to reveal treasure" it would say "place white cubes exactly where the blue cube is and it makes more blue cubes", the experience could be greatly improved.)
While it was clear that I needed to be in the dome this time - and I did find a crucial piece to add to the robo-girl. What was less clear, is how it get out. While I was finding ways to interact with stuff that might grant my exit (the piece of equipment dangling from upstairs that I though was a power connector, is actually a plasma torch - I think), I accidentally discovered that if you hit the inventory key when something is equipped, the thing... gets stored in an actual inventory!
I'd totally missed that part before - now I can tidy up!
I've yet to figure out an exit from the dome - let that be the challenge for the next Cradle-session.
Meanwhile, the whole playlist is over here.
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