I shall exploit the header space to boost the signal of our GM's Gofundme campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/blueberrycreekrecovery
After a good night's sleep I continued pretty much where I'd left off. The mortuary and furnace sequence rather intuitive after all, I just think that the cutscene-input transfer initially glitched out on me. Maybe. (Maybe I just missed the time window for hitting the exit.) This was also the first time I witnessed the protagonist running. By accident, at this point.)
With the tram moving, there's really just one way things can lead to - a crash. And just like that, we've entered the intermediate play-zone. It becomes increasingly apparent that we're not alone on the level.
This area brings a lot of classical elements to the table: cross-referential terminal & PDA entries, multi-step, multi-level obstacles, sealed off security stations, environmental clues.
Sewer level! With life forms!
Here is the whole playlist.
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