Friday, 6 December 2013

Granny-sitting Chronicles: Week 23.

In June 2013 I moved to countryside with my elderly aunt to run a "Grannysitting Expedition". During this time I have been taken pictures more or less constantly. I'll be posting these picture chronicles one week at the time. Previous week is in this post.

The following moments are from November 23 - 29.

This cold wave lasted a little longer, bringing along an abundance of pretty frost and some proper ice. The aunt sprung into action and called for some epic tub-turning, then attacking the ice with a stick (unprovoked, I might add). I gouged out the pieces and tried to keep up - what she lacked in efficiency (she'd grabbed the nearest scoop-looking object which just happened to be a sifter), she made up in determination. The tub well turned brings praise and cheers; additional cheers and praise for the cover job I'd done on the access point after the Epic Doodie Haul.

Later that week a little bit of first snow came - along with warmer airs, so bye bye pretty frost until next time. Indoors I gained some "ingenious womenfolk" (osav naisterhvas) points for changing a lightbulb - and the discarded one became "one with the nature", or in this case, with the interior decor.

[Meanwhile the whole Relatives+ situation is getting way beyond ridiculous. Some strategic planning is in order, some strategic spamming is in order.]

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