Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Granny-sitting Chronicles: Week 25 (Town edition)

In June 2013 I moved to countryside with my elderly aunt to run a "Grannysitting Expedition".
During this time I have been taken pictures more or less constantly. I'll be posting these picture chronicles one week at the time. In December 2013 we had to relocate to town for a while - I'll be doing my best to keep up the weekly picture chronicles. Previous week is in this post.

The following moments are from December 9 - 15.

We set up refugee camp in the spare room in my parents' house - the same one where the aunt had been last winter. (Has its own kitchen and all.) My old room upstairs would double as storage, buffer space, and study. I had been bracing myself for another full-blown Week One, but the settling would actually go a lot easier. Even though auntie was not amused that we'd "stay there for the night" and "would not go home first thing in the morning,"she was mostly aware where we were and recognized-remembered the terrain and her previous routines on it. The move would still be very disruptive and traumatic for us both - but at least now I was finally able to fully focus on my actual grannysitting assignment and catch some breath. And hey, come to think of it, running water and indoor plumbing are kinda cool!


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