Monday, 24 February 2014

Granny-sitting Chronicles: Week 33 (Town edition)

In June 2013 I moved to countryside with my elderly aunt to run a "Grannysitting Expedition"
During this time I have been taken pictures more or less constantly. I'll be posting these picture chronicles one week at the time. In December 2013 we had to relocate to town for a while - I'll be doing my best to keep up the weekly picture chronicles. Previous week is in this post.

The following moments are from February 3 - 9.

Among other things (incorporating the Sneaky Nimble Finger Training Tactics of coffee filter retrieval to the morning ritual, fixing a leaky kettle with some lucky leftover Sugru, marvelling over the jet streams in sky, some overall nest-space structuring and decorating) I managed to be "bad" influence. Or creative. In the deepest dark and cold of winter, I had not had the heart to throw away the carrot stubs that were sprouting green. Instead, I'd stuck the stronger sprouts into shot glasses and watered them (greenery ensued). One day (when returning from some errands upstairs - go figure) I found that the auntie had proudly followed my lead, uprooting some strands from a resident flowerpot and sticking them in water.

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