Monday, 31 March 2014

Granny-sitting Chronicles: Week 38 (Town edition)

In June 2013 I moved to countryside with my elderly aunt to run a "Grannysitting Expedition"
During this time I have been taken pictures more or less constantly. I'll be posting these picture chronicles one week at the time. In December 2013 we had to relocate to town for a while - I'll be doing my best to keep up the weekly picture chronicles. Previous week is in this post.

The following moments are from March 10 - 16.

We'd fully developed the habit of going up to my old room/study/sundeck after breakfast - for some advanced weather watching and carspotting. (The road and traffic are constantly a big deal, sometimes the target of despise, other times of fascination.) The auntie has this rock-solid theory that the passing cars, once they're out of our view, turn around and return. (Rock-solid because the idea is based on the traffic reality back home.) I had her pick distinctive-looking vehicles going one direction and then watch out for their return (yay for sneaky memory exercises). When none did, she had her eyes widen in revelation and partially accepted the idea that it might not be the same ones going back and forth, but some coming and some going. (There are also various theories floating around about where they all might be headed; also attempts to make traffic-based guesses of what the weekday might be.)

The end of the week brought some surprise snow. March as usual, good news for the still-not-uprooted snowdrops. 

Bonus round: auntie watches and comments as I play Unepic. (In addition to regular on-screen photo-viewing, I've been involving her in various digital endeavours every now and then, including games.) I only got the camera out and up mid-action, so there's not much of a visual to look at; essentially it's all about reaction audio. Going to add some English subtitles soon.


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