Thursday, 6 March 2014

Granny-sitting Chronicles: Week 36 (Town edition)

In June 2013 I moved to countryside with my elderly aunt to run a "Grannysitting Expedition"
During this time I have been taken pictures more or less constantly. I'll be posting these picture chronicles one week at the time. In December 2013 we had to relocate to town for a while - I'll be doing my best to keep up the weekly picture chronicles. Previous week is in this post.

The following moments are from February 24 - March 2.

The week began by pulling off an almost impossible feat that required aligning and balancing a lot of little things and processes just right: we managed to take the auntie to an Independence Day celebration with the Defence League. A formal event, that is. Inciting the process of "we're going somewhere today" was not that difficult in itself. Then again, convincing auntie that bare pantyhose does not quite qualify as festive attire ("But I am already dressed. See how pretty!") took quite some effort. Eventually she accepted the skirt I was offering - then added her little go-anywhere kitchen apron to the mix, just for the good measure. When on-site, all went well and we got to stuff our faces with cake. (No pictures of it that I'd care to share publicly.) Only after returning home did I realize the amount of focus and effort that I'd been exerting; a long slumber ensued.

The rest of the week was mostly quiet (my followup slumber sessions extended into several days). Plenty of trips outdoors, though. Some days the usual "outdoor quests" (check laundry, bring kitty, bring firewood) were not even necessary - the fresh spring-y air itself proved motivating enough.

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